Feb 20, 2015 at 05:32 PM

Publishing in New York - 5 Best Reasons to Hire a Book Packager

By Jim Buckley

By James Buckley, Jr.
Shoreline Publishing Group

Whether a publisher is based in New York or elsewhere, hiring a book packager to help you create your next big nonfiction book might just be the smartest move you can make. Here are some good reasons why hiring a book packager will make your projects into winners.

1) Book Packagers Ease Hassle.

A book packager is one-stop shopping. No longer do you need to track down and hire writers, editors, designers, copy editors, photo researchers, etc. for your "complicated" illustrated book project. Book packagers take care of all of that work.

2) Book Packagers Are Pros.

In this day of the rise of the self-publisher, when anyone with a computer thinks they can make a book that sells, book packagers are your refuge in a storm of wannabes. Shoreline and other book pacakagers make books that meet a market demand, that fill a niche, that are professionally produced, and built to last. Just because something "can" be published, doesn't mean it "should" be published.

3) Book Packagers Are Jacks of All Trades.

Need a nonfiction book about animals? We can do that. A coffee table book about sports? That's in our wheelhouse. A how-to book on just about any topic? Perfect for a packager. A children's book about American history (packed with pix!)? It's what we live for. A good packager does specialize in some areas, but a great packager can handle just about any published product from kids' readers and board books to multi-volume library-oriented reference projects. Go ahead...challenge us.

4) Book Packagers Solve Problems.

Books-plus, books with extensive photo research, books with multiple authors, books with an unusual design shape or style . . . those could all present problems for an editor or for an author working alone. For book packagers, however, they are the stuff of life. Here at Shoreline, we like to call those projects plate-spinners: We're the folks who can keep all those parts of a busy project—all the plates spinning sticks—on time and on budget.

5) Book Packagers Are Friendly.

Well, I guess I can't speak for all of them, but friendly, helpful, and easy to get along with are just some of the ways that our clients speak about us. We'd be happy to pass on their names, if you want to check up on us!

Posted in New York Publishing.


